Wednesday, January 3, 2018

40 Days of Prayer – Day 3 – Help Needed! Confess Pride/Embrace Humility

It can be challenging to admit one’s need in an era that values self-sufficiency. But that’s just what the Lord asks of those who would follow Jesus.  In Matthew 23:12, after having issued a series of warnings against haughty thoughts and self-promotion, Jesus warns, “those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Prayer requires voluntary humility.  It is an admission of one’s own limitations and one’s need upon the provision of God.  It is a declaration of dependence and admission of vulnerability in a world obsessed with independence and strength over others. 

God beseeches us to ask Him for what we need and to admit our weakness and need of His help.  “If God is for us, who can stand against us?” Let us demonstrate our trust in God, humbly approaching Him with our needs in joyful expectation of His readiness to answer and to help.


Unknown said...

One of the strongest incentives for a Christ-follower is how Jesus "made himself of no reputation", and related to others in an even-tempered way. Fully aware and vocal at times about his desire to only do what the Father taught Him, "knowing where He came from and where He was going", Jesus still related to others as a man among men, "at all points such as we, yet without sin".

There is a great companion passage too: "Let the one who boasts, most in the Lord.". The same is true of a church like ours where it is evident that God is drawing people. It it to Himself and to the Son that the Father draws others. And whatever advantage or edge God may give a church, whatever results we see that we might be tempted to compare to other churches, may we humbly acknowledge that God has ben exceedingly good to us, and that is why we enjoy blessings. The moment we begin to think that we have it all together, there's a good bet it'll soon come apart. Let whoever boasts, boast in the Lord.

Sam said...

Amen Brother John! What and Whom have we to offer but Christ? To God and to Him alone be the glory!