Thursday, January 25, 2018

Day 26 of 40 Days of Prayer: Seek First The Kingdom!

It may be natural to seek our own interests, but Jesus instructs those of us who follow Him to establish more lasting priorities.  He encourages us to not worry about the things we will wear, what we will eat, or any other need we might need fulfilled in our daily living. He calls us instead to,

“… seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
“These things” often occupy so much of our time and energy, but God desires for us to prioritize His mission, caring for others, and serving them in His Name, trusting that as we do, He will see to it that our needs are met.  Such thinking is counter-culture in almost any setting one finds oneself.  Nevertheless, it is the standard to which God calls us, and a powerful key to effective prayer. 

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