Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 2 - Mission Racine

The late Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries, frequently celebrated the beauty of what he called the church’s “little platoons”. He loved to share the loving exploits of small groups of Christians devoted to sharing the Good News in word and deed, often out of sight and without recognition, yet always impacting countless lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the second day of Mission Racine, I feel compelled to do the same! Today, Grace Church had many “little platoons” in action throughout the city of Racine serving through the ministries of Care Net and House Full of Grace. Life Groups and individual members of the Grace Family sorted clothes, picked up and delivered furniture and encouraged those who serve others in need with cheerful spirits and very busy hands! It was especially satisfying to see the Grace Family giving their best – in their physical efforts and in the offerings of the goods and items being donated to those in need. Items were scrutinized with care and precision to make sure that every donated item offered was an item of quality and beauty. It is a powerful thing to witness first-hand how God’s wonderful grace moves the hearts of those who have recieved it to give the very best that they have! All who participated are looking forward to other opportunities to give their best. I can’t wait to see how the blessings will flow as Grace’s “Little Platoons” continue to be deployed in our community and beyond! Sam

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