Saturday, November 4, 2017

"You picked a fine day to start drinking, Jackson!"

This is a West Point Fourth Class Delinquency report which I earned on my 18th Birthday.  It just so happened that our Cadet Company's dining in fell on my birthday, which meant though I was a Plebe - Freshman - I'd actually get to eat! Not only that, but a great steak dinner too, with champagne!

At the time, all active duty military personnel could drink in NY state at the age of 18, so I know exactly where and when I had my first drink. One major factor I failed to consider was that I was just over a week out of shoulder surgery and on a good dose of Tylenol-3 ... with Codeine ... which I had also never had before!

As our special guest, a Colonel reported to be the wealthiest officer in the Army, shared his economic wisdom,  the steak  champagne and Tylenol-3 did their work. I heard the first few sentences of his talk, followed by applause and words of thanks for his sharing. As they applauded, it seemed everyone in the chain of command was glaring at me with complete rage! I was told to report to several people immediately following dinner and was certain I wouldn't survive the night.

My last stop was with my Tactical Officer and a ranking cadet in the Company.  The Tac's words were first for the ranking cadet whom he asked a series of questions including how did he expect me, who had never had a drink or a surgery to understand the effects of alcohol and very strong prescription drugs?  There was a bunch of "Yes and no Sir-ing" then he asked the other cadet to leave. 

After Cadet "X'" departed, the Tac then explained to me the peril of my ways, and amazingly told me I wouldn't get "slugged" - West Point jargon for formal punitive measures - for my stupidity due to what he considered "mitigating circumstances." He ended his comments with a smirk and this admonition, "You picked a fine night to start drinking, Jackson! I think you better stick to soda pop and burgers from now on!"  Knowing a gift when I see one, I took the advice then and continue to take it now! Won't forget turning 18 and my adventurous days in Cadet Gray! Go E!!

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