Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Counting Blessings In The Midst of Struggle

An old hymn invites its singers to count their blessings, naming them one by one. As I reflect on the year gone by, there have been many challenges and even some heartbreaks.  Nevertheless, when I examined the painful times more closely, each one was accompanied by blessings that overshadowed the pain I encountered.  The primary example of this truth was manifested in my father’s death.

As painful as my father’s passing was, I am amazed and thankful for this: that even in his diminished state, besieged by dementia, he never forgot who I was.  The painful event I was sure would come to pass as his condition worsened, never did, and I was blessed to experience a knowing look and a familiar greeting until he closed his eyes in eternal rest. Not only was I blessed to be known and remembered, but even my being able to be present with him at his rendezvous with eternity was a moment of incredible grace and beauty that I will treasure until my own time comes.

With that reflection, I have looked back on the year, considering some significant interruptions and setbacks, thankful for the gems present in the muck, such as treatment in the midst of suffering, condolence in the midst of grief and restoration in the midst of professional loss.  The challenges and trials will always come, but as long as there is breath in our bodies and recognition in our minds we must never cease to look a little closer and recognize the great blessings that are ours, even in our greatest times of struggle and loss.   

Therefore, even in a year that has had several tough chapters to navigate, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. My greetings come from a heart filled with gratitude for the goodness, mercy and grace I have received during the ups, downs and turn-arounds of everyday living.  Life is tough, but there is beauty to be found in the ashes.  Press on with gratitude my friends, count your blessings and encourage others to pause and do the same!

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