Each of us has a perspective on life. We have shaping factors that season and flavor how we see life and our understanding of how things should be. When individuals own that truth and factor it into their conversations and debates, it is helpful in establishing the absolute necessity of learning to listen and appreciate the viewpoints of others as we all seek to establish a society defined by truth and beauty. Most people, however, struggle to achieve this kind of balance.
Such balance is difficult to realize when one derives comfort and benefit from the way things are or systems that benefit oneself while causing discomfort or outright harm to others. As a younger man, I used to become highly annoyed when I was surrounded by people who were part of a system that was skewed and benefitted them as much as it hurt me, only to be chided, "Be objective Sam!" That kind of thinking infuriates me now.
We must do the hard work of not only considering the perspective of others but the painful work of recognizing when our own perspectives might actually be biased and prejudiced. Make the efforts in your conversations, debates and dialogs to consider the possibility that your perspective might be more than a viewpoint but might actually be an ingrained opinion that bears recosderation.
If persons of your perspective outnumber the ones of a differing point of view, be especially careful to be considerate and reflective. The effort might actually promote understanding, progress and healing in an era where shouting and bashing are drowning out our hopes for reason and unity to reign amidst our immense diversity.
Dedicated to the living of an authentic faith that transforms people and trascends barriers in a divided world! Comments on the Christian Life from Sam Jackson, church-planting pastor of Hope Community Church in Racine, WI
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
La Lucha de Las Masas Amontonadas
La humanidad se caracteriza en gran medida por las contradicciones, tensiones y conflictos. Los Estados Unidos, como una sociedad abierta, a menudo presenta sus contradicciones en el abierto sin dilución, por todo el mundo para contemplar, incluyendo cuando el conflicto es feo, doloroso y vergonzoso. La misma nación que declaran todos iguales, intencionalmente obligó a algunos a sus costas en cadenas, y prohibió al menos la mitad de la población de participar en su proceso político - por un tiempo. La misma nación que levanta su lámpara junto a la puerta dorada, implorando a los cansados y pobres de todo el mundo a participar de su bondad, de vez en cuando ha oscilado entre aquellos que acoge con entusiasmo como estadounidenses y aquellos que acepta a regañadientes.
Ninguna nación del personaje es estático, y los Estados Unidos no es la excepción. la cultura de los estados unidos es fluida, cambiando entre generaciones y transformándose en formas que a veces son irreconocibles hasta que hayan adoptado una forma de proporciones que aturde a todos aquellos que aman esta tierra y el ideal que representa. Ideales son difíciles de alcanzar, y en mi vida, he visto a mi paÍs lucha con su identidad varias veces, por una variedad de razones. Esta edad actual representa lo que es quizás el más incierto era en la historia de los Estados Unidos. La Cohesión parece ser ilusoria. Aparece ungraspable la congenialidad. La unidad es casi imposible. Hoy, en los Estados Unidos, la situación está constantemente en disputa y la verdad es muy dificil a obtener.
Esta tierra de inmigrantes es ahora en una situación de agitación con respecto a los temas de inmigración y refugiados. Estes temas son complejas y las opiniones de cómo resolverlas son variadas y en conflicto. He tenido el privilegio de vivir una vida que me ha mostrado muchos lados de este dilema actual. Soy descendiente de los esclavos africanos y los inmigrantes ingleses. Más de la mitad de mi familia no nació en estas costas, pero bajo otra bandera pero bajo el mismo sol. Los miembros de la familia y yo fuimos a través de una minuciosa y a veces escarificando y aun proceso deshumanizante de la inmigración legal, prestando una esmerada atención a cada "jota" y el título de la ley, de modo que pudiéramos eventualmente, como una familia, vivir juntos bajo la bandera estadounidense como una familia. Yo veía como mi deber como un americano a obedecer la ley y llamó a mi familia a hacer lo mismo, y así lo hicimos, incluyendo hasta el punto de humillación personal. Nuestros esfuerzos, sin embargo, fueron fructíferos, y todos nos hemos comprometido y ahora viven como ciudadanos leales de los Estados Unidos de América.
Como ministros del Evangelio, mi familia tiene el deber de Dios nos ha llevado a ayudar a alguien creemos que el Señor ha puesto en nuestro camino. Que ha llevado a una variedad de soluciones a problemas humanos complejos con respuestas y resultados que fueron a menudo - creativo. Aunque no puedo garantizar los elogios de personas en algunos de nuestros cursos de acción, quiero dormir cada noche creyendo que hemos apoyado la justicia divina, incluso a la hora de elegir el "más justo sobre el fácil entendimiento incorrecto", que la justicia y la legalidad son a veces en tensión una con la otra. En otras ocasiones, hemos retado a otros a tomar decisiones dolorosas convencido por sus explicaciones que sus sueños podrían ser más justamente se reunió en un lugar distinto a lo que había imaginado. Los temas son tan variados y complejos como las historias de quienes les representan.
En esta temporada de alta tensión y amplia la desunión, es mi oración que caracterizaciones falsas cesarían, y un verdadero diálogo y una mutua de la búsqueda del bien común podría eventualmente surgirían. América es hermoso, pero tiene problemas. Debemos encontrar maneras de vivir la acusación emitida para el antiguo Israel, y aplicable a nosotros como una tierra de extranjeros como el cargo se presenta en Levítico, "Cuando algún extranjero se establezca en el país de ustedes, no lo traten mal. Al contrario, trátenlo como si fuera uno de ustedes. Ámenlo como a ustedes mismos, porque también ustedes fueron extranjeros en Egipto. Yo soy el Señor y Dios de Israel." Al mismo tiempo, debemos mantenernos seguros mientras nos mantenemos libres - libres para nosotros y abierto para aquellos "gimiendo por respirar libres" con nosotros. En medio de estos tiempos muy turbulentos, podremos descubrir "si [ese] nación, o cualquier nación así concebida y así consagrada, puede perdurar."
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
A Short Reflection of a Hyphenated Nation
A wonderful friend posted a quotation lamenting the use of the hyphen to make distinctions among Americans. This quotation pled with citizens to not see themselves as defined by a hyphenated particular, but rather as simply American. As I considered the issue, I shared these thoughts:
"A complex and soul stirring issue. I am proud to be an American yet reality has taught me that I must always deal with those who see my exterior appearance and culturally identifying attributes as reasons to consider me a lesser American. I don't necessarily mind the hyphen, unless it is misunderstood as a 'minus sign'."
Even so, I soldier on!
"A complex and soul stirring issue. I am proud to be an American yet reality has taught me that I must always deal with those who see my exterior appearance and culturally identifying attributes as reasons to consider me a lesser American. I don't necessarily mind the hyphen, unless it is misunderstood as a 'minus sign'."
Even so, I soldier on!
As Shrewd as Snakes
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
As a Marine General and Combat Commander, Secretary of Defense Mattis routinely advised his leaders with this memorable mantra before sending them into unpredictable meetings to build alliances with a variety of tribal warlords. While all the parties involved in those talks professed good will, the historic behavior of those same parties demanded that all proceedings be approached with a double portion of vigilance to accompany the proposed friendship.
I have had similar causes for caution in my own ministry experience. When Luz and I have served in inner city contexts, we have often worked hard to bring peace to violent areas and to spread good will where only ill will was the norm. I can remember attending special meetings as a pastor in Cleveland, with gang leaders and politicians at the same table attempting to come to peaceful terms of coexistence. Being much younger, very capable and even willing to exercise a "more muscular" form of Christianity, I would assess the attitudes of all in attendance and consider the two or three individuals I would defer to Luz, who was very capable and even more effective than I in combatives, while considering those I would target myself should the situation take a "rowdy" turn.
Fortunately, we were blessed to have wise and seasoned saints alongside us like the Mother of our Church who, seemingly reading my thoughts, would lean over and whisper to me, "Pray Reverend Jackson! Fight through Prayer!" That wise saint saved our church's reputation, talked me off of the ledge, and opened doors that my youthful impatience was determined to weld shut!
Today, I found myself in a situation suddenly surrounded by folks whose character I considered questionable, based only on their appearance. I began reflecting on those formative days and started mentally preparing for a less than positive experience. As I considered revisiting my youthful exuberance for action, these words of Jesus came to my mind:
"I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves." Jesus understands the hostilities of the world and doesn't expect us to walk about in a naive stupor. Nonetheless, as His followers, He still expects us to pursue solutions that end in peace. Jesus promised that He would give us His peace, not based on our circumstances, but based on our being renewed by the Holy Spirit inwardly for the transformation of our minds and wills to the conformity of His own.
Considering Jesus' words gave me the wisdom to pause, assess and engage my questionable acquaintances in a proactive and friendly manner. As the situation unfolded, it was apparent that the folks I held in suspicion were harmless and everything turned out cool. Reflecting on the day and my view of that event caused me to take General Mattis' advice and adapt it to a truism more suitable for one called to be a fisher of people and a shepherd of Jesus' Flock:
"Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to impact the lives of everyone you meet." That'll preach and that's a standard more fitting of a soldier of Christ! Be shrewd. Be innocent. This is God's will for us in this troubled and needy world.
As a Marine General and Combat Commander, Secretary of Defense Mattis routinely advised his leaders with this memorable mantra before sending them into unpredictable meetings to build alliances with a variety of tribal warlords. While all the parties involved in those talks professed good will, the historic behavior of those same parties demanded that all proceedings be approached with a double portion of vigilance to accompany the proposed friendship.
I have had similar causes for caution in my own ministry experience. When Luz and I have served in inner city contexts, we have often worked hard to bring peace to violent areas and to spread good will where only ill will was the norm. I can remember attending special meetings as a pastor in Cleveland, with gang leaders and politicians at the same table attempting to come to peaceful terms of coexistence. Being much younger, very capable and even willing to exercise a "more muscular" form of Christianity, I would assess the attitudes of all in attendance and consider the two or three individuals I would defer to Luz, who was very capable and even more effective than I in combatives, while considering those I would target myself should the situation take a "rowdy" turn.
Fortunately, we were blessed to have wise and seasoned saints alongside us like the Mother of our Church who, seemingly reading my thoughts, would lean over and whisper to me, "Pray Reverend Jackson! Fight through Prayer!" That wise saint saved our church's reputation, talked me off of the ledge, and opened doors that my youthful impatience was determined to weld shut!
Today, I found myself in a situation suddenly surrounded by folks whose character I considered questionable, based only on their appearance. I began reflecting on those formative days and started mentally preparing for a less than positive experience. As I considered revisiting my youthful exuberance for action, these words of Jesus came to my mind:
"I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves." Jesus understands the hostilities of the world and doesn't expect us to walk about in a naive stupor. Nonetheless, as His followers, He still expects us to pursue solutions that end in peace. Jesus promised that He would give us His peace, not based on our circumstances, but based on our being renewed by the Holy Spirit inwardly for the transformation of our minds and wills to the conformity of His own.
Considering Jesus' words gave me the wisdom to pause, assess and engage my questionable acquaintances in a proactive and friendly manner. As the situation unfolded, it was apparent that the folks I held in suspicion were harmless and everything turned out cool. Reflecting on the day and my view of that event caused me to take General Mattis' advice and adapt it to a truism more suitable for one called to be a fisher of people and a shepherd of Jesus' Flock:
"Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to impact the lives of everyone you meet." That'll preach and that's a standard more fitting of a soldier of Christ! Be shrewd. Be innocent. This is God's will for us in this troubled and needy world.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Living Beyond Life's Setbacks
No one likes to lose and no one should lose intentionally or
give less than their best in any struggle. Nevertheless, when one suffers a
great loss, yet remains in possession of one’s life and faculties, options are
at hand. One can either respond in defeat and submission “checking out early”
or, one can gather one’s wits recognizing, as I did after failing in a major
pursuit, “THAT WAS REALLY PAINFUL! But, I’m not dead!” That is the time to
march forward, realizing that while a vulnerability has been exposed, strength
and resilience have also been realized!
Those attributes, fortified with courage, can create a powerful dynamism
that enables the determined individual to take on challenges that might be
avoided by those burdened with an “undefeated” record.
While everyone loves a winner and we all marvel at those who
proceed throughout life with unscarred bodies, unbroken dreams and spotless
records, do not despise the lessons of the “School of Hard Knocks,” the scars of
your past or the “L’s” on your record. Allow
the lessons of disappointment to grow you in humility, deepen you in compassion,
and fortify you in resolve to continue in fighting the good fight in the arena
in which you have been placed. As the great Rocky Balboa is reported to have
said, “It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and
keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how
winning is done.”
The Scripture calls those who follow the Lord to remember
that “God works all things together for the good for those who love Him and are
called according to His purpose.” That doesn’t mean everything that happens is
good, but that even the bad can be worked into our lives for the overall good
when we love God and walk in faith and trust. Because of that truth, we do not
lose heart. So, take heart! There are
victories yet to be won!
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Every American
My fellow Americans. There is something done in private that is softer than a bullhorn, less noticeable than a protest March, yet more potent and effective than a Molotov Cocktail. What might that be? It is that right and privilege that truly empowers us to establish a government that functions "with the consent of the governed." It is the vote.
Every able American citizen voting is more valuable than 100 protests marches expressing displeasure after the fact. If you voted not, your participation in any protest is a poor substitute for the real the real power with which you have been endued. Apathy during an election cannot be overcome by near anarchy after it.
WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established our Constitution and it is time that WE read it, study it, apply it. We must grow up, not expecting others to do our duty for us, then later lamenting their choices and actions, but we must rather engage the system that was established for our own benefit. We must do the true citizen work of pulling that lever or punching that card at election time.
Between elections, we must engage locally through community involvement in schools, places of worship and civic organizations as well as by individual, off the grid action like helping our neighbors or just doing something that needs to be done, whether or not it is noticed beyond those we help.
We must also act by holding those accountable WE choose to represent us and to monitor as they serve US - our congressional and senatorial representatives. If they fail to represent us effectively, there's a simple solution to repair the problem - vote! The ballot is the most powerful term limiter ever devised in the history of our Republic and our Constitution need not be amended one iota to establish those limits as soon as possible! WE THE PEOPLE must make the moves that, while less sensational, are powerfully more effective.
Want a slogan for the times ahead? I have one - EVERY AMERICAN! Every American must do their simplest duty consistently, thoughtfully and actually that this Republic might have some hope of thriving and enduring. If every American addresses the needs of their localities and takes personal steps to act, change will come. If every American pays attention to their representatives actions and enforces term limits with their votes, things might get a little bit better. If every American remembers that WE THE PEOPLE are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, perhaps there will be a ray of hope that government "of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for THE PEOPLE will not perish from the earth."
A message of love and concern to every American!
Every able American citizen voting is more valuable than 100 protests marches expressing displeasure after the fact. If you voted not, your participation in any protest is a poor substitute for the real the real power with which you have been endued. Apathy during an election cannot be overcome by near anarchy after it.
WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established our Constitution and it is time that WE read it, study it, apply it. We must grow up, not expecting others to do our duty for us, then later lamenting their choices and actions, but we must rather engage the system that was established for our own benefit. We must do the true citizen work of pulling that lever or punching that card at election time.
Between elections, we must engage locally through community involvement in schools, places of worship and civic organizations as well as by individual, off the grid action like helping our neighbors or just doing something that needs to be done, whether or not it is noticed beyond those we help.
We must also act by holding those accountable WE choose to represent us and to monitor as they serve US - our congressional and senatorial representatives. If they fail to represent us effectively, there's a simple solution to repair the problem - vote! The ballot is the most powerful term limiter ever devised in the history of our Republic and our Constitution need not be amended one iota to establish those limits as soon as possible! WE THE PEOPLE must make the moves that, while less sensational, are powerfully more effective.
Want a slogan for the times ahead? I have one - EVERY AMERICAN! Every American must do their simplest duty consistently, thoughtfully and actually that this Republic might have some hope of thriving and enduring. If every American addresses the needs of their localities and takes personal steps to act, change will come. If every American pays attention to their representatives actions and enforces term limits with their votes, things might get a little bit better. If every American remembers that WE THE PEOPLE are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, perhaps there will be a ray of hope that government "of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for THE PEOPLE will not perish from the earth."
A message of love and concern to every American!
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